hrp0082fc5.6 | Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2014

The Diencephalic Syndrome of Emaciation in Infantile Hypothalamochiasmatic Low-Grade Gliomas : a Retrospective Case–Control Study of Diagnostic Parameters and Long-Term Outcomes Over 30 Years of Follow-Up

Gan Hoong-Wei , Meijer Lisethe , Gullick Georgina , Senbanjo Margaret , Walker David , Spoudeas Helen

Background: Diencephalic syndrome (DS) is a rare disorder of severe emaciation classically associated with infantile Hypothalamochiasmatic low-grade gliomas (HCLGGs) and GH excess. However, diagnostic criteria remain undefined and published literature includes non-specific tumour-related cachexia. In a large optic pathway LGG cohort (n=166), we have previously demonstrated that DS independently predicts multiple tumour progressions and severe endocrine morbidity.<...